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Procrastinated Birthday Pondering

It’s been a month since my birthday. I considered not posting anything at all, but then I remembered— life is special and celebrating another trip around the sun-33 trips- is worth remembering and commemorating. As I enter my “ Jesus year” looking back over 32 feels interesting. I’ve faced demons from my past that I thought where long gone, felt the love and strength of my family in a new way, started a blog, traveled to 3 countries, explored new cities, enjoyed the company of a boy then decided to not have that company anymore, and I’ve stretched myself in new directions. I know the year is not over and I’m keenly aware there is more on the horizon for 2019- some of which is very challenging for our family- but for now I’m trying to look at the great things this year has brought. The things I’ve learned and things that have brought me joy. Every year there’s bridges to build, bridges to burn, and bridges to cross.

Most of us are pretty apt at building walls.


Tall. I can do anything kind of walls. This year I’ve asked God to help me build bridges. Bridges to understanding my weakness.

Bridges to share my vulnerability and bridges to understanding new things.

Top 10 takeaways from 2019 -Seasons of yes are hard but are worth it. -Admitting you’re afraid is ok -Grace is a gift that keeps on giving. -Satan is patient in his attack. -Double standards in life are not inheredley bad. -The enemy hates strong faithful families. -Just because it’s really good, doesn’t mean it’s God. -You don’t have to be good at everything. -In weakness strength is found. -How to be proud of my credit score but also not let it define me.

Cheers to learning news things in life and bridges.


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